Is Christmas Religious or Secular? Both/And . . . Of Course.

Arguing over whether Christmas is sacred or secular is a mammoth waste of time in a season that is so short and so lovely. Yes, Christmas has been a major feast of the Church for hundreds of years and yes, it still is. But, yes, Christmas (especially in the U.S.) has been Santa Claus and reindeer and mistletoe for a lot of years as well.

Let’s all chill and enjoy the season however anyone wants to celebrate it. (Sorry for the “chill” pun for those of you who may be snowed in today!)

Since I’m a Christian, I enjoy Advent and Christmas with children dressed as angels and shepherds and wise men. But I also love Santa and wreaths and trees sparkling with tiny lights, ornamented with memories of our children, grandchildren, and travels to places around the globe.

People who are not religious (of course) share in this season’s joy and hope and love and generosity. One doesn’t need to be religious to buy Toys for Tots or serve dinner at a local shelter or enjoy lively family gathering around tables ladened with good food. One doesn’t have to agree on (or even care about) where the various traditions originated in order to take pleasure in the wassail, carols, and feasts.

Since Christmas is a legal holi-day, of course it’s secular. I hope you get to enjoy some time off with your friends and family and maybe a Christmas bonus from your company. But since Christmas is also a holy-day, I hope you will ponder the odd scene around the manger. Jews and Gentiles, poor and wealthy, insiders and outsiders, humans and animals, natives and travelers from afar – a powerful picture of Creator’s good and great inclusiveness.

Let’s all keep our hearts open to the universal call of Christmas: “peace on earth, good will to all!” Have a lovely day today! ~Charlotte