‘Happy’ Veterans Day? Maybe One of These Days

Jerry and I have much to be grateful for on this Veterans Day. During most of our life time, America has been at war somewhere in the world, but he was privileged to serve our nation during one of the few brief windows of peacetime.

img770 (1)We were not much more than children in 1975 but his time in the Navy grew us up. It introduced us to a larger, more complex world than we had ever experienced before. We traveled and enjoyed friendships with remarkable, passionate, smart people. We both believed we were doing something big, important and honorable.

I birthed two babies in military hospitals and received excellent, affordable health care. Jerry was able to go to law school because of the GI Bill.

I grieve deeply what I see in America today. Flattering words and empty platitudes are no substitute for real financial, emotional and political support for our troops, our veterans and their families. Continue reading ‘Happy’ Veterans Day? Maybe One of These Days

The Cult of Money and Power

Recently I’ve been musing about the damaging dynamics Fundamentalism has been creating throughout our society. A wise commenter responded to a recent blogpost and noted how Fundamentalists not only use fear; they actually instill fear. She then asked: “But who is using the Fundamentalists? And to what end?”

Indeed. A very good question.

I’ve learned to approach questions like this with the old adage: follow the money. I would say it’s the usual suspects of Money and Power that are cultivating the fear that is crippling our nation. Continue reading The Cult of Money and Power

A Call to Give Up Christian Privilege for the Sake of Religious Liberty

Conversations about religious liberty continue to stir the pot of our public dialogue. Some presidential hopefuls and other public figures say Christianity is under attack and Christian freedoms are being threatened. Since I am a Christian minister in relationship with a wide range of Christians across this nation, I can say confidently: “Baloney.”

It’s not freedom that is being challenged; it is privilege.

Many other Christians across the Liberal to Conservative spectrum agree with me. Although the self-centered, tribal voices of privilege get more attention in news stories and news feeds, there are countless Christians who are speaking up in favor of an appropriate balance between Church and State. Many Christians are on front lines across America arguing that the religious and civil rights of all our citizens should be the undergirding principle of our public policies.

One of the more impressive, articulate voices speaking out to counter the hyperventilation of the Religious Right might be considered a poster boy for Conservative Christianity: dallin-h-oaks-largeElder Dallin H. Oaks of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In a speech at a Court/Clergy Conference in Sacramento, Mr. Oaks laid out his premise:

I begin by speaking of the inevitable relationship between two different realms: the laws and institutions of government on the one hand and the principles (or “laws”) and institutions of religion on the other…

My thesis is that we all want to live together in happiness, harmony, and peace. To achieve that common goal, and for all contending parties to achieve their most important personal goals, we must learn and practice mutual respect for others whose beliefs, values, and behaviors differ from our own. As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes observed, the Constitution “is made for people of fundamentally differing views.”

Differences on precious fundamentals are with us forever … This does not anticipate that we will deny or abandon our differences but that we will learn to live with those laws, institutions, and persons who do not share them.

There should be no adversariness between believers and nonbelievers, and there should be no belligerence between religion and government. These two realms should have a mutually supportive relationship…

Two things stand out to me: 1) Government and Religion have an “inevitable relationship” and 2) “Differences on precious fundamentals are with us forever.” Two inevitabilities.

Some religious people wish that their own personal Religion should be established and privileged by the Government; some non-religious people wish Religion would go away altogether. Neither of these things will ever happen in a healthy USA. Religious faith will never go away as long as humans exist AND the Constitution presumes and guarantees the free exercise of religious faith within our society.

Our Constitution notes the “inevitable relationship” that has existed since our beginnings and outlines how Religion and Government should interact appropriately within American society. Thomas Jefferson (in a private letter) thought of it as a “wall” of separation; Mr. Oaks thinks it is more realistically a “curtain.”

Our current public discussion must continue to focus on the “hows” of the relationship. Certainly there is to be no “establishment” of religion by official forms of government, but how do we dismantle the historic societal privilege of one religion within this increasing multicultural, multi-religious culture? How do we work together to create a society where we can “live together in happiness, harmony, and peace?”

As a progressive Christian minister, I celebrate the diversity I experience within my Christian community, across my interfaith community and throughout my secular national community. coexistThat wasn’t always true. I was raised as a judgmental Fundamentalist, moved on to become a more generous Conservative and am grateful these days to be an inclusive, welcoming Progressive.

For many Christians, diversity is for celebrating but for others, diversity is intimidating. Nevertheless, these differences among us are “inevitable” and “with us forever.” As Justice Holmes noted: our Constitution “is made for people of fundamentally differing views.” I am very grateful for that truth.

Mr. Oaks’ voice is significant within this conversation about religious liberty for another reason besides his leadership within the Mormon faith community; he also understands this issue from a civil and legal angle. Oaks has served our country as a law clerk to Chief Justice Earl Warren of the United States Supreme Court, as a prosecutor in the state courts in Illinois, and as a justice on the Utah Supreme Court. Therefore, I sit up and take notice when he says:

Believers should also acknowledge the validity of constitutional laws. Even where they have challenged laws or practices on constitutional grounds, once those laws or practices have been sustained by the highest available authority, believers should acknowledge their validity and submit to them. …

2dbb9186aaf3996a953dd8e78a9c1e3eFor religious citizens, a significant part of authentic religious freedom is our right to politic for public policy within the public arena.  But once laws are passed or when the Supreme Court rules on a law’s constitutionality, then all citizens are expected to obey the laws or suffer the consequences; religious citizens are not exempt.

Elder Oaks offers three wise suggestions, three general principles for walking (what he terms) the “center path:”

* First, parties with different views on the relationship between church and state should advocate and act with civility…

* Second, on the big issues that divide adversaries on these issues, both sides should seek a balance, not a total victory…

* Third, it will help if we are not led or unduly influenced by the extreme voices that are heard from contending positions…

Current day Christians would do well to remember our history: during the first three centuries of our movement, Christians mostly came from the under class and under belly of society, surrounded on every side by people whose beliefs, values, and behaviors differed from their own. It was in that decidedly unprivileged position that Christianity thrived. I say “thrived” not in a sense of power but in the sense of service: Christians went about the business of loving their neighbors, serving the poor, welcoming the stranger, caring for the least among them…

If we Christians continue to demand our Constitutional rights, then it seems to me we ought to be using those generous religious liberties to proclaim a faith that is actually authentic to the gospel and to actually practice a faith that is beneficial to our world.

Current day Christians would do well to remember (and to follow once again) the One whose name we wear: the Christ who abandoned privilege. The Christ who sought out relationship with “tax collectors and sinners.” The Christ who sacrificed his own personal freedoms out of self-giving love for others.


Elder Dallin H. Oaks: “The Boundary Between Church and State”
Second Annual Sacramento Court/Clergy Conference
Sacramento, California
October 20, 2015


Intersections logoCharlotte Vaughan Coyle lives in Paris TX and blogs about intersections of faith, culture and politics on her website and Intersections Facebook page. She frequently shares her thoughts with Coffee Party USA as a regular volunteer.

Charlotte is an ordained minister within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and also blogs about Scripture from a progressive Christian approach in her Living in The Story Musings.






‘Liberal’ and ‘Conservative’ Is Not the Problem

It’s challenging to represent Christianity in the public square these days. Numerous public Christians are using the same words I use but the definitions in our vocabulary are quite different.

liberal-conservativeWords like “conservative” and “liberal.”

While some Christians think of themselves as “conservative” and other Christians call themselves “liberal,” truth is we are all mixed.

There is goodness and wisdom in much of our shared religious, social and political traditions that ought to be conserved. There is harm and foolishness in many of our traditions that ought to be changed.

Conservative vs. Liberal is not the problem in either our faith or our politics. Fundamentalism is the problem.

Fundamentalism is arrogant, intransigent and rude. It refuses to compromise, insists on its own truth and seeks to decimate its opponents. Fundamentalism can see nothing wrong with itself and sees only the wrong in others. It is destructive, damaging and divisive. Fundamentalism is destroying our churches, our communities and our nation. Continue reading ‘Liberal’ and ‘Conservative’ Is Not the Problem

Table Talk that can Feed our Souls

Some years ago, when I visited a friend who lived in a nursing home, she introduced me to her meal time table mates and then reminded everyone of the ground rules for their table conversations: “No talk about religion, politics or bowel movements.” I still smile every time I tell this story.

There are good reasons we don’t usually venture into conversation about religion and politics whenever we gather for Thanksgiving or family reunions. Deeply held beliefs can lead to deep divides if these conversations become battlegrounds. Families who care about each other may well decide that maintaining relationship is more valuable than winning arguments. I agree.

But there is another way to be in conversation together besides “winning”; a way that maintains and even cultivates relationship through the process of discussing our various opinions and perspectives DinnerWithFriendsabout religion and politics.

Listening to others who think differently than we, coming to understand what motivates them, respecting their voice, growing in awareness, even (maybe) changing our mind about some things … authentic conversation around controversial issues is not impossible. In fact, in our contentious society these days, it is crucial: we must figure out how to talk and listen to each other again.

A minister colleague blogged recently about this very dilemma within the context of the broad cyberspace Christian community. His wisdom also applies to civil conversation within any diverse community. John Pavlovitz recommends these two attitudes that can foster helpful dialogue:

First: each of us has made our own journey to where we are and no one can change that. We all have been shaped by the experiences and people in our lives and we are each “the product of our specific journey.” None of us speaks from an objective truth; we’re all sharing our best guess based on what we can see from where we’re standing.

And second: even if we come to vastly different conclusions, there’s a very good chance we are motivated by similar passions. Among people of faith, most of us truly want to serve and love God. Among citizens of our nation, most of us truly want to promote what is good for our country. How we live that out can be “vastly different,” but it helps to identify some of our common passions when we are making an effort to have a meaningful conversation.

Like Pavlovitz, I am a Christian minister who yearns to converse with people who see the world differently than I. My own story of moving away from my fundamentalist origins demonstrates how open, honest, welcoming conversations can help people grow and change.

Pavlovitz’s dream is my own:

It may be a pipe dream, but I want better for all of us as we wrestle with the deepest things of this life. I certainly want more for my writing and my efforts as a minister.

I don’t want to be the kind of Christian who only loves those who love me first, or those who appear most lovable from a distance. (Jesus was pretty clear about all that.)

I have no interest in being a pastor who preaches only to the applauding choir of those who agree with him. I want to speak to the greater congregation, even if it means getting shouted down sometimes.

I aspire to a faith that sets a wide open table and truly welcomes the full diversity of perspectives there, seeing it all as valid and beautiful. I’m hopeful for theological discussions where no one’s dignity is lost.

This is the only way forward for me that makes any sense. It’s the prayer I have for you and for me, even if we don’t align in any number of ways.

It may be a pipe dream that we can cultivate this kind of open table conversation whenever we talk about religion or politics in this contentious climate. But I refuse to give up on the dream of reclaiming a culture of civil dialogue.

Let’s all start where we are: One friend over coffee. Respectful posts on our Facebook pages and respectful disagreements in our comments. Listening deeply to identify our common passions and building honest dialogue from that common ground.


Let’s learn together how conversation can actually help build relationships instead of damaging them.

I’m not giving up. I hold on to hope. Maybe you do too.


John Pavlovitz.com “Stuff that Needs to be Said”

The Coffee Party USA is partnering with Living Room Conversations to get the ball rolling on our quest to encourage the use of civility and reason all across America.  Sign up on the website to host a Coffee Party Talk in your neighborhood…


Image credit: BALI

cvclogo copyCharlotte Vaughan Coyle lives in Paris TX and blogs about intersections of faith, culture and politics on her website and Intersections Facebook page. She frequently shares her thoughts with Coffee Party USA as a regular volunteer.

Charlotte is an ordained minister within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and also blogs about Scripture from a progressive Christian approach in her Living in The Story Musings.








Guest Post: Why Gun Lovers Don’t Get To Grieve Another Massacre With Me

by John Pavlovitz

I am grieving again today.

Once more I am mourning the senseless execution of beautiful souls torn to shreds in the prime of their lives and in the middle of their ordinary. I am grieving more premature funerals and canceled weddings and discarded futures—and I want to be alone right now.

Gun lover, please don’t tell me you’re grieving along with me today too. I just don’t think I want your company.

If you’re still against greater gun control measures—you don’t get to grieve with me today.
If you’re part of the zealous, gun-glorifying community—you don’t get to grieve with me today.
If you are a militant, unrepentant NRA apologist—you don’t get to grieve with me today.
If your right to bear arms ultimately matters more to you than the human wreckage strewn about the Umpqua campus (and schools and movie theaters and shopping malls and highways)—you don’t get to grieve with me today.

Not again. Not now. Not on the 264th mass shooting of the year in the US.

I may have accepted your condolences and prayers and claims of solidarity after the 23rd or the 76th or the 149th time… but not now.

If I do; if I allow you to bow your head with me and speak a quick prayer before moving on to the exact same posture and practice and politics, then it feels like I am just consenting to more murder. As a lover of life and person of faith I simply can’t do that in good conscience, and so I ask you to allow me to mourn in peace.

Words of sadness alone are not significant enough now.

Any expression of grief that doesn’t come with an admission that guns, their easy availability, and (perhaps most importantly) a politically fueled Wild West culture that nurtures their worship are a central part of the problem here—rings hollow to me.

Any claim of mourning that doesn’t also demand some substantial change in how we regulate firearms is just crocodile tears and a slap in the face to families of the dead.

It all feels ultimately like selfishness to me.

I have a pool in my open yard and kids keep drowning in it, yet I refuse to put up a fence, how much do I really value the loss of life?
And if I put up a fence and kids still keep getting in and dying and I don’t do more, how sincere is my grief?
And if, after what I believe to be my greatest human efforts to prevent it, my pool still fills with bodies, at some point shouldn’t my humanity kick in and determine that maybe, just maybe my desire to have a pool isn’t worth the carnage to the neighborhood?
When does my desire to have a pool become the problem?
If I really give a damn about dead kids floating in my yard, maybe I leave the pools to the professionals.

I’m sorry, but the pool here is overflowing with blood and I’m tired of it.

I’m tired of a centuries-old amendment being propped up as relevant in any way to this time and place in history and them to the purpose it was ratified in the first place.

I’m tired of a John Wayne, “cold dead hand”, OK Corral romanticism that makes guns, not some necessary evil but a sexy status symbol of true Americans.

I’m tired of partisan media sky-is-falling, fear-mongering that makes people believe their immanent danger requires an arsenal always at the ready; in their kitchens and in their cars and at their ankles.

I’m tired of a culture that sees repeated mass shootings as the acceptable collateral damage of freedom.

I fully realize if you have fully bought into the lie that says gun are absolutely necessary, entirely neutral, and constitutionally guaranteed—you really don’t care about any of this.

You know the numbers and the statistics and the reality too, but you dismiss it all or rationalize why none of it is relevant. You’ve washed your hands of culpability in the continuing crime wave and exonerated guns and you don’t care to entertain conversation—which is your right.

I’m not going to demand that you conform to my convictions. 

I’m not going to try and convince you of what seems so very obvious to me, but I’m also now going to allow you the courtesy of saying you mourn as I do and suffer alongside me, because that simply isn’t true:

You grieve gun violence while loving your guns. I grieve gun violence while abhorring them.

We have a different idea of grief, you and me.

I respect your position, and reserve your right to mark this tremendous loss if you wish, but I ask that you kindly keep your distance right now because your presence is simply salt in these wounds.

So today, after yet another gun tragedy—please let me mourn in peace.


johnheadshoteditRead the essay at John’s blog spot:


Human Rights Celebration at Church Women United

imagesYou probably noticed that Pope Francis came to visit recently. I found it fascinating to follow the news during his several days in the United States and to see live coverage of his several speeches: one to a joint session of Congress, another to the United Nations. It was lovely to see images of so many people moved with joy and hope and renewed conviction. This pope is a remarkable man who has captured the hearts of people – Catholic and Protestant, religious and non-religious – from across the globe.

But did you also notice the criticism? According to some, this pope is “socialist,” “communist,” “Marxist.” People use these caustic labels because of Francis’ advocacy for human rights and human dignity. Because of his insistence that societies should work together to care for the poor, the stranger, the prisoner, the environment.

More than one commentator has suggested that the Pope should stick to getting souls into heaven and stay out of politics.

But I’m thinking it’s not really that the pope is too political; rather it’s that his critics don’t like his politics.  Continue reading Human Rights Celebration at Church Women United

Truth, Justice and the American Way

Sometimes I still ask myself how I ended up living in small town Paris Texas;    9299103 I’m really a big city girl. My children grew up with friends from a rainbow of fascinating ancestries and I love the multicultural mix of people from across the globe who make up the Dallas Metroplex where we lived. As PTA president, my favorite thing was to organize the annual Multicultural Pot Luck Dinner in the school gym.

Paris Texas, on the other hand, is pretty black and white. We do have a Muslim Mayor from Pakistan and quite a few excellent doctors from India and some wonderful people from Latin America with their tasty food and their strong work ethic. But mostly we are Black and White.

The month we made our commitment to leave Dallas and move to Paris, a story hit newspapers across the nation, some as far away as Chicago; a story about the ugly death of a young Black man. Continue reading Truth, Justice and the American Way

Guest Post: The Shoes

It was the shoes that broke your heart.

The sweet boy, chubby in the flesh
was laying down on the beach
Face in the waves

He almost looked like he was sleeping
Except that this sleep
Had no awakening.

It was the world’s conscience that seems to be asleep
with little sign of awakening.

You couldn’t see the boy’s face.
Aylan is his name.
Aylan was his name.
Aylan was the name his momma called him.

You couldn’t see Aylan’s face,
But you saw the shoes that a parent,
Had lovingly put on him earlier that day….

Read Omid Safi’s powerful blog at On Being


Omid Safi (@ostadjaan),  On Being columnist

Rosa Parks and Kim Davis

Numerous people across cyberspace have been positing similarities between Kim Davis and Rosa Parks. Creating this compare and contrast list has been an interesting exercise because I have found many more differences than likenesses. Kim Davis is no Rosa Parks. Continue reading Rosa Parks and Kim Davis